Dental Denture Storage Case - CPK-M-17550
Dental Denture Storage Case - CPK-M-17550 (2)
Dental Denture Storage Case - CPK-M-17550 (3)

Dental Denture Storage Case – Membrane Box – cryspack

Never stress over lost or damaged dental supplies Again! Cryspak Dental Denture Storage Case is designed using advanced membrane technology that keeps your dental essentials safe from being torn or crushed into pieces.

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  • Outside: 175*75*50mm
  • Inside: 149.7*50*46mm
  • Two clasp, Two hinges.
  • To win warm praise from customers
  • We heva attained ISO9001 certification


Dental Denture Storage Case Features

  1. The Good Fit: Our box is a perfect fit for all of your dental essentials!

  2. Gentle and Safe: You can also store many items in it, such as dentures and tools. The box is easy to open and close, ensuring user-friendliness. The special dish has two compartments.
  3. Easy to Open and Close: We ensured the box is user-friendly. It comes with a hinged lid that opens and closes effortlessly.
  4. See What’s Inside: The box is transparent, so you can look inside the locked container without opening it. This will help you quickly find what you are looking for.
  5. Built to Last: Cysrpak Membrane box is designed to support a long life span with sturdy materials Overall, it’s quite solid and can withstand everyday wear and tear. This is something that you can rely on with every dental product


Dental Denture Storage Case Applications

  1. Denture Storage: A secure place to store your dentures and a small amount of room for cleaning supplies.

  2. Dental Tool Organizer: Keep those expensive dental instruments, brushes, and other tools safe and easily reachable.

  3. Laboratory Tools: Store tools, supplies, and other Dental Lab tools efficiently, helping you carry these easier during the day wherever you go.

  4. Compact: Ideal for storing dental essentials on the go with its compact size and closing button.
  5. Patient Compliance: Provides patients with an organized way to store their denture and oral care products at home.


Dental Denture Storage Case Advantages

  1. Protects Your Equipment: These boxes utilize our advanced membrane technology to keep your dental tools safe.
  2. Organizational: We know you have a lot going on, but our box is easy to use and compact.
  3. Durable Material: Our box is extremely durable in nature and it will last for quite a long period of time.

  4. You Matter to Us: You can choose from a variety of options to meet your needs. Itis very crucial for us that our product must satisfy you.



Membrane Box


The high optical transparency of the membrane box packaging allows for inspection and visual checks without having to open the box. When the membrane boxes used for jewelry, many customers call our products as 3-D SUSPENSION SEE-THROUGH PACKAGING AND DISPLAY FRAMES.




CrysPack is the professional and main membrane boxes supplier in the world. Most of companies who also sell membrane box bought the box from us. We have a wide range of shapes and sizes membrane boxes.


Multiple packaging
for a wide range of applications

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